hana's writing
Hello my name is Hana Eka
Fransisca, but my family call me Hana. My sister’s name is moyna syifa jocelyin
and my second brother’s name is muhammad eryl saputra and then kenzie raisha
mandala. She is 8 years old and he is 15 years old and he is 5 years old. My
father's name is Syaiful Kholiq, he is 42 years old, and my mother's name is Sulimah. She is 43 years old. They were married in 17 years old.
My house has some rooms. The first room in my house is a guest room which functions to receive the guest and at this room there is one set of chair and a table, there are also two windows covered by red curtain. My Guest room is not big enough and we usually use family room to receive when the guest is too many. The second room is my room which contains a bed almost as long as the room. There is a book rack besides the bed to put my brother’s books and my books. There is also a desk beside the rack book, and my movie collection. The third room is my parents room, there is closet and a bed beside it. The bed merges with a small closet and it located in front of bed. It contains my fathers book and my mothers cosmetics. The fourth room is family room, at this room, there are a small bed for us to sit down and to sleep,a television,a DVD player, a sound system and a small aquarium. I usually spend the time at this room with my parents,my brother and my sister It is used to discuss something or to wacth movie. That room is bigger than other rooms, so I feel comfortable to spend my time longer. The fifth room is a bathroom which contains of a bath up and two water tap. I have two bathroom and it located side by side, so my second bathroom beside it. The sixth room is a kitchen, the first thing that you seeing are refrigerator beside the door and there are two gas stoves , a rack and two windows behind the stoves
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